Become a Distributor

If you are presently a distributor or you are individual which is technical expert in chemicals and manufacturing process,  or are looking to carry and distribute a complete professional line of chemical premium products, Chemicals Global will be an excellent partner. 

We will assist you whether you are looking to start up your own business or if you just want to expand your portfolio with chemicals

What we Offer to our Partners:

Training and technical assistance

Marketing material, brochures

Logistics, warehousing and export support

partners support industrial chemicals global

Product samples, product data information and SDS

High quality products

Excellent income and profit potential

We are Growing your Business

Here are some Business Partnership Models we offer:

equipment parts accessories distribution company industrial chemicals
Chemicals, Equipment, Parts and Accessories Distribution Company

You are a Chemicals, Equipment, Parts and Accessories Distribution Company and want to expand your portfolio with our premium chemical products

entrepreneur company industrial chemicals

Become an Agent. If you are an Entrepreneur with technical expertise in equipment, process, manufacturing, logistics, choose this type of cooperation with us. No need to have a company, keep any stock or involve capital. We can deliver products directly to your customer‘s location

trading company industrial chemicals
Trading Company

You are a Trading Company and want to increase your revenues by adding a profitable and high quality Chemical Division

manufacturing company industrial chemicals
Manufacturing Company

You are a Manufacturing Company and want to offer chemical products with your primary product line, for example: lubricants for air compressors, water treatment for cooling towers, so many other options

Interested to become our business partner? Please complete the form below. We'd like to know more about you and your business